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"Hula is the language of the heart, therefore the heartbeat of the Hawaiian people."



To the physical eye, Healing Hula® is a dance class.

To the soul, it is a venue to vibrate joy.


Hula Moments

with Kumu Kaipo

Gather as a group to learn and dance to music/chants using traditional and modern hula movements.  Sessions will be a combination of live (via Zoom) and recorded videoswith Kumu Kaipo.

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Hula Basics: Launching Your Hula Journey

Healing Hula is launching a new course for the aspiring hula dancer who wants to learn the basics of hula, chanting, culture, protocols, and foundational movements from the comfort of their home. Learn from world-renowned Kumu Hula Kaipo Kalua and her Alaka'i Kawahine Perez. Click below to sign up, or try the course for free!

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HEALING HULA® is something that needs to be experienced in order to be appreciated.

Metaphorically, it is a platform upon which one's life is guided to be Pono - being in alignment with what is true. It is a process of planting seeds of love. It is a way of learning how to nourish these precious seeds so they can grow and blossom.

To an observer, Healing Hula® (also known as Healing Hula and Chanting®) appears to have a format similar to most dance classes - Warm ups, reviewing basic steps, learning choreography, and learning how to move the body along with the music or chant.

Take a closer look at a Healing Hula® class, and you will notice and feel a rhythmic energy evolving as the class progresses. When the participant embraces this rhythmic energy, he or she is able to focus. Combining the ability to focus with the incredible vortex the participants create is what allows the opportunity for self-healing. It’s a formula that works very well for many who actively participate. The participant may arrive in a low energy mode, or may be a bit frazzled, or may be a bit annoyed with something or someone. By the time the session ends, he or she will have evolved into a better feeling place and be closer to that emotion we call joy.


Creating Connections with the Source, with Mankind,

and with Mother Earth

Video Poster Image


Healing Hula® Classes

In HEALING HULA, key elements addressed are:

  • The physical need for exercise (movement) in a fun mode.

  • The ongoing quest to keep the brain/mind active.

  • The soul’s hunger to grow and blossom in a nurturing and safe environment.

During the class, the movements can be quite vigorous or as gentle as wanted by the participant. It’s his or her choice. So, it is quite a nice option for exercise…for any age. What keeps the participant moving is the rhythmic energy provided by the ipu (gourd), and/or the chanting. The rhythmic energy…the beats…the melodic chanting…combined into a storytelling mode adds romantic spice to the session.

Words of Aloha from our students



San Antonio

As I joined my first Healing Hula and Chanting class, I had no idea what was in store for me. Layers and layers of learning and awareness began to unfold... The physical layer: From, "Wow - my hips aren't used to moving that way!" to, "This is REALLY fun!" The mental layer: On her website, Kumu says, "In Healing Hula, there is no wrong; there are no mistakes." Boy, did THAT come in handy - and I've learned a lot from my 'mistakes'! The emotional layer: Making connections on new levels with fellow students who quickly became my new Hula Sisters and Brothers. The spiritual layer: I began to get a glimmer of understanding as to what this all meant for me - Healing Hula and Chanting... A Metaphor for Life


San Antonio

When I first joined the class, I had no dance experience and was just hoping to learn a few steps and a little bit about Hawiian culture. I thought it was just going to turn out to be a class like so many I had taken in the past. What I found was soooo much more. Hula has turned out to be a lot of fun, great exercise and has bought me so much joy. I found a group of people who are warm and welcoming and it was amazing how quickly they have become my Halau Ohana (family) Kumu can take anyone regardless of their age, size, shape or dance experience and turn them into a hula dancer. I can't wait until the next class so I can get together with my "hula sisters and brothers" and dance!

Linn S. 


Healing Hula and Chanting is helping me appreciate my being as a whole. We learn the footwork and then we learn the hand motions for each line, and then each verse. And when footwork, hand motions, verse after verse are joined together, hula begins to evolve for me. Connections continue with new knowledge, past knowledge, hula melodies, and hula sisters/brothers. I am renewed, refreshed, re-energized through brain and body as I learn that chanting comes from deep within. I learn to honor each part of myself and by the time each class ends, I breathe a sigh of wonderment and leave with a feeling of humility, that I still have so much to learn here. Mahalo, Kumu Kaipo!

We are currently on 'Pause' until further notice

Get in touch

Hula is something you have to experience to truly appreciate. We invite you to join a class! If you have any questions, complete the form below and we'll be in touch!